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High-Nicotine Vaping: Essential for Quitting Smoking and Reducing Harm

The ongoing debate in the United Kingdom about taxing vape products based on nicotine strength has intensified, but a significant study from University College London (UCL) has highlighted the increasing trend of high-nicotine vaping among adults in England. Published in the Addiction journal, the study examined data from 7,314 adult vapers between July 2016 and January 2024, focusing on the changes in nicotine levels they used over time.

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Surge in High-Nicotine Vaping

The UCL study found a dramatic rise in the use of e-liquids with nicotine concentrations of 20 milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml) or higher, the maximum allowed in the UK. In June 2021, only 6.6 percent of participants used high-nicotine e-liquids, mainly at 20 mg/ml. By January 2024, this figure had jumped to 32.5 percent, showing a significant shift in vaping preferences.

Dr. Sarah Jackson, a behavioral scientist at UCL and the study’s lead author, attributes this increase to the popularity of new disposable vape devices that often use nicotine salts. These nicotine salts allow users to inhale higher nicotine concentrations without the harshness associated with traditional freebase nicotine e-liquids.

Benefits of High-Nicotine Vaping for Quitting Smoking

The rise in high-nicotine vaping among younger adults and specific demographics has raised concerns, but Dr. Jackson emphasizes the harm reduction benefits. Research suggests that e-cigarettes with higher nicotine levels are more effective at helping smokers quit compared to lower-nicotine options.

Many former smokers credit high-nicotine e-liquids with helping them successfully transition to vaping. For instance, David, a former heavy smoker, found that 12 mg nicotine levels didn’t curb his cravings, but switching to 18 mg helped him quit smoking. Janine Timmons, a smoker for 40 years, insists that high-nicotine vapes were crucial for her to quit. Marc Slis, a former vape shop owner in the U.S., notes that high-strength nicotine is vital for many in the early stages of quitting smoking, with many reducing their nicotine levels over time.

Taxing Nicotine-Based Vape Products: Potential Risks

The UK’s proposed Tobacco and Vapes Bill, delayed due to national elections, suggests taxing vape products based on nicotine strength. Dr. Jackson warns this could have negative public health consequences.

Higher taxes on high-nicotine vaping products might push users to lower-strength e-liquids to save money. This could undermine the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a quitting tool, as lower nicotine levels might not satisfy cravings. Additionally, users might vape more frequently with lower nicotine levels, increasing exposure to potential toxins in e-liquids.

Importance of Real-World Experiences and Expert Insights

Understanding high-nicotine vaping’s role in smoking cessation and harm reduction requires considering real-life experiences and expert insights. Former smokers like David, Janine, and Marc provide valuable perspectives on the benefits of high-nicotine vaping.

Researchers like Dr. Sarah Jackson, who study vaping behaviors and public health impacts, offer essential expertise. Their research helps create reliable, informative content that highlights the importance of high-nicotine vaping in reducing smoking rates.

Building Trust with Accurate Information

As discussions about high-nicotine vaping and potential taxation continue, sharing accurate, reliable information is crucial. Providing factual, unbiased content helps readers make informed health decisions.

Online resources and publications that prioritize trustworthy information can become authoritative sources for those seeking guidance on vaping and quitting smoking. Consistently delivering high-quality, reliable content helps these


The UCL study underscores the growing popularity of high-nicotine vaping in England and its crucial role in helping smokers quit and reduce harm. While concerns about its use in certain populations are valid, it is essential to recognize the significant benefits high-nicotine e-liquids offer.

As the UK considers taxing vape products based on nicotine strength, policymakers must carefully weigh the potential public health impacts. Higher taxes on high-nicotine products could discourage smokers from switching to a less harmful alternative and reduce the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool.

By focusing on accurate, authoritative, and comprehensive information, we can empower readers to make informed health decisions and support those aiming to quit smoking. Vaping offers a customizable, potentially less harmful alternative to smoking, aiding in the fight against tobacco addiction.

Post time: Jul-23-2024